Torre d'en Galmés

Torre d'en Galmés (also: Torre d'en Gaumés) is one of the most important excavation sites on the Balearic Islands.

Probably up to 900 people have lived within this horseshoe enclosure on a small hill.

It features:

  • 3 talaiots
  • one taula
  • one underground chamber
  • a water collection system
  • several houses
  • a yard belonging to a house from the 3rd century B.C.
Access to this talaiotic settlement is possible via a 2-kilometer tarmac road that runs to the left of the road between Alaior and the Son Bou beach.

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The site provides good views over the surrounding countryside.

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Entre 1000 y 700 a.C.:
Between 1000 and 700 BC:
Zwischen 1000 und 700 v. Chr.:

Época Talayótica

Se contruyeron talaiots = torres troncocónicas de piedras en seco.
Talayots were built = Truncated cone-shaped dry-wall towers.
Kegelstumpfförmige Türme aus Trockensteinen.

A partir de 650 a.C.:
From 650 BC onwards:
Ab 650 v. Chr.:

Época post-talótica

Se contruyerons taulas
Taulas were built
Errichtung von Taulas.